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Important: SCHlabs has permanently moved its operations from Argentina to Spain. Our new website is: https://www.ludfed.com


We understand the website as a way that the world has to know us, for that reason:

-Our company do not sell and do not share any customer data.
-Our website has not contain trackers.
-Your inquiry, contact, and browsing data are private
-Your queries, contacts, and navigation are limited to the client's interest to be contacted.
-We do not send sales offer.

Outgoing email:
This are the politics that apply to emails from us to your.

-Mail list are forbidden.
-Offers are forbidden.
-Newsletter are forbidden.
-Massive email of any type are forbidden.
-pishing/Malware/spyware are forbidden.
-Is forbidden any unsolicited contact type, unless they are unique to a single receipt, and have the mission to start any communication channel with a provider, friend or familiar
-Are allowed all emails that the receipter is waiting on
-The only accepted of automatic email is when: The receipter has solicited to be notified when something change in a forum. Or when register on it.
-Any violation to this directives will block permanently to our customer. This will be effective when we check the log, when we have a contact from another email provider or when this cause any type of block list
-We keep the power of block any email type that we think affect to our spam-free reputation.
-Our customer know and accept this directives

Incoming email:
This are the politics that apply when you send a email to us

-We spect for incoming email a reciprocity of our politic of outgoing
-Nobody have the rights to add an email to a database without writen permission of email owner
-Unsolicited Mail list are forbidden.
-Unsolicited Offers are forbidden.
-Unsolicited Newsletter are forbidden.
-Massive email of any type are forbidden.
-The existence of Unsuscribe link do not validate any unsolicited email
-Are blocked incoming emails from: a)dynamic IP. b)blacklisted servers. c)missconfigurated server. d)Bad reputation ISP. e)Bad reputation countries.
-All incoming email must come from a well configurated server, that match with our precedent directives.
-Any spam try found in our log is good reason to block entire ISP, unless ISP have a reverse PTR that allow know that spam come from a dynamic IP.
-Any ISP,Country, email blocked do not unblocked unless the sender can probe that the email was sent by an attacker. The provider also must give documentation about legal complaint against attacker and the promise that the problem was solved.
-We reserve the right to block emails arbitrary to our criteria.
-This politic is accepted by our customers and they accept it.
-If any ISP think that is being blocked with no reason, they can fill the contact form and require to be whitelisted.

Troubleshooting Guide
Is possible that you arrive to this document due we are blocking emails from you (or server) was tryed to send us.
This can be because: You send Spam, you allow send spam, or you have missconfigurated your servver

Our politics is block entire server when arrive the FIRST UNSOLICITED EMAIL, didnt care if has unsuscribe link.

We have 4 block types: A) by IP, B) by ISP, C) by domain D)missconfigurated server
A)IP Block:
You need probe that when spam arrive the blocked IP was not yours

B)Block by ISP
Some ISP allow spam of differents ways, most common way is do not show on reverse DNS what type of connection haver their customers.
For example:

1) 222-222-222-222.BADisp.com
2) 222-222-222-222.adsl.ispGOOD.com

C)By domain:
To unlist one domain of our blacklist is required that probe that someone not authorized was using your email server to send spam

If your IP address appear listed in some of blacklist that we use, you must communicate directly with blacklist admin to be removed

E)Missconfigurated Server:
When some server is missconfigurated, the usual is that will be blocked all emails from this server.
This do not say that your server send SPAM, only say that your configuration is "like" a spammer config
This you can solve configuring correctly your server and without our intervention.
E.1)host not found (server not found)
In the companys whith more than 1 server is usual the next problem:
The server server2.example.com try to send a message. The first check of our server is test if "server2.example.com" exist. Many times exist mail.example.com but do not exist server2.example.com

E.2)Domain not found
Sometimes mail.example.com try to send an email coming from peter@sales.example.com and do not exist in the DNS records some called "sales.example.com". This missconfiguration is normally used by spammers so is completely forbidden.

E.3)Helo command rejected
Your server identified himself with a inexistent name, like for example: HAL,LIST,WEB etc, like the precedent case this domains do not exist

As brief all emails server must be registered into the DNS server, in this way and without our intervention, your emails will start to be delivered